Workshop 1/24, Tue, 27 Aug 2024, 11.00, Zoom: Accelerators and Scale-up Programs Workshop 1/24, Tue, 27 Aug 2024, 11.00, Zoom: Accelerators and Scale-up Programs

Dear Members

The number of Start-up Accelerators and Scale-up Programs is growing. An Accelerator provides an intensive mentored path through workshops / coaching / networking which is fixed-term and spans about 4 months. It is zero-equity and leads the startups to understand if their business is sustainable and worth keep working on it. At the same time, the program gives a chance to gain visibility and connections typically through the demo day (Award Ceremony), up to finding investors.

The Workshop presents five established and successful Swiss Accelerator and Scale-up Programs. Here you find the invitation and program to our workshop which will take place on Tuesday, 27 August 24, 11.00 as a Zoom video conference.
-> Program Swissparks Workshop 1_2024

Please sign up until 20 August via the registration link. Thank you!

The members registered will receive the Zoom Link which will enable them to join our meeting.

We are looking forward to an inspiring event and hopefully see you there.